
10 Years on the Swing Set – Come Celebrate!

Writing Playground 6It’s hard to believe that it’s been 10 years since, along with 4 of the best women I’ve ever known, I started participating in a little blog called the Writing Playground. Our lives have changed dramatically in those 10 years. Not just our writing careers, which have grown by leaps and bounds, but our personal lives. I gained more than colleagues when we started the Playground…I gained 4 sisters of the heart. And while our lives have gotten progressively more complex and busy, these women have shared some of the best and worst moments of my life with me. They’ve been there when I needed a cheerleader, an ear, a kick in the ass and a confidant. I’m so lucky to count them as friends.

Along the way we’ve had a ton of fun and one of the memories I’ll never forget is participating in our annual murder mystery parties. There’s nothing quite like dressing up and pretending to kill your best friends. So, because of that, my keyword is

MurderHOD 07 Retreat DD

As part of our birthday celebration, we’re giving away a $50 gift card to Out of Print clothing. To enter, visit all five of the Playfriend’s websites . Each has posted a picture with a theme word. Enter all five of the theme words at and we’ll pick a random winner from the correct entries.

My keyword is above. Gather the other words at the websites below:

Meanwhile, join us tomorrow at our special Facebook page for our anniversary party.

The fun starts at 3:00 PM Central Time.

SEALs of Fortune

My new Blaze series is out right now!

SEALs of Fortune

3 ex-Navy SEALs

1 Sunken Civil War Ship

And the women who’ll prove more precious than treasure. 

Under the Surface (March 2015)

Under the Surface

In Too Deep (July 2015)

In Too Deep

Under Pressure (November 2015)

Under Pressure

Become an Organ Donor

Testing the LimitsI’m so excited about the release of Testing the Limits (May 20, 2014 in stores and June 1, 2014 at online retailers).  This book was inspired by someone I greatly admire, so I’m especially thrilled that it received 4 1/2 stars from RT Magazine.

TESTING THE LIMITS (4.5) by Kira Sinclair: Ever since her beloved fiancé died unexpectedly two years ago, social worker Quinn Keller has thrown herself into her work. The tense monthly meetings she has with his older brother, former Army Ranger Jace Hyland, don’t make things any easier for her. When Quinn’s life is threatened for hiding the abused wife of a prominent man in town, her meetings with Jace turn into body guarding, which makes the forbidden emotional and sexual strain between them spin out of control. In this installment of the Uniformly Hot! series, Sinclair has penned a Lifetime movie-style tale with everything from a fiancé lost to tragic illness, a hot military hunk and an abused woman and the dangerous husband trying to find her. With a dense plot and ample tension on all fronts, this book lives up to the imprint’s moniker.
Reviewed By: Kim Jefferson

I have a friend who lost a family member while waiting on an organ transplant list so this is a cause that I’ve championed for years.  It was difficult to watch her family grieve, especially knowing there was a possibility the loss was avoidable.  Please, if you aren’t an organ donor, consider becoming one.  No, honestly, think about it now.  Not tomorrow  or next week.  I know considering your own mortality isn’t a fun thing to do, but there are so many people existing inside those thoughts, just waiting for a chance to live.  What a gift to be able to give that to someone.

But it isn’t enough to say you’re going to do it or sign the back of your driver’s license. Tell the people in your life that you love that you want to be a donor, because they’re the ones that will be making those decisions for you.  Often during a stressful and tragic time.  Don’t make them wonder what your wishes would be.  Tell them.

I’m an organ donor and every single person in my life, including my girls, know that’s what I want.  And I hope you’ll consider doing the same.

Best Wishes,


Here in the South we’ve had a crazy week of winter weather. My girls have been out of school for 4 days straight.  I don’t think I have to tell you that has seriously messed with my writing schedule.  It’s difficult to write a love scene with the girls slamming in and out of the house.  And, surprise, surprise, they expect me to feed them, although I’m not sure why.  Aren’t Girl Scout cookies and Snow Cream good enough?

I will say that the best part of the days off was watching my girls laugh and play in the snow.  I’m enough of a transplanted Michigan girl to love the idea of sledding and snowmen and snow angels.  Some of my best childhood memories revolve around snowball fights and tobogganing with my family.  But apparently my perspective has changed – and my blood has thinned.  I like the idea of playing in the snow.  The reality, not so much.  It’s cold and wet.  And apparently I’m enough of an indoor cat to want to appreciate the beauty from the warmth and comfort of my home.

Are you a winter person?  Do you love or hate the snow?

Hugs & Kisses,

Bad Girl

So, yeah, I’ve been a bit of a bad girl lately. I haven’t been updating my page as much as I should.  But one of my New Year’s Resolutions is to stop by more often, so I promise I’ll be around more.  Along with that, I’ve joined a Crossfit Box and started on an 8 week Whole Life Challenge.

Anyone else working hard at keeping their New Year’s Resolutions?

Hugs & Kisses,

Into Temptation is here!

KiraSinclair_IntoTemptation_HRInto Temptation is finally available!
Download it now from Amazon.

A More Than Men Novella
Strong, sexy and powerful…the kind of man every woman wants in her life and in her bed. But these men are more. Oh, so much more.
How valuable is a soul?
A fallen angel banished from Hell, Brone has been cursed to walk the Earth in complete sensory deprivation for over eight hundred years.  The only thing he craves is connection with another being – sound, taste, and please, God, touch.  But the likelihood of that happening is next to zero.  Satan isn’t exactly known to be forgiving.

Handling her first big case as a prosecutor, Evie Carr is definitely in over her head.  Everyone knows Monroe Stilton is guilty of multiple counts of sexual assault against a child, but proving it has become difficult.  She’s desperately afraid the monster is going to walk.  And that fear becomes personal when the psychopath threatens her own daughter.

One touch can change everything.
Brone is offered a single chance to return to the fold.  But at what price?  Because the only thing Evie needs is the one thing he can provide.  All she has to do to claim it is…fall.

Music Monday

I make no secret that I often use music to fuel my writing.  I’m sure I come by this need honestly.  Music has been influencing me for a very long time – since I started dancing at age five.  There’s something about words and beat and melody that just make my muscles move, whether I want them to or not.  Apparently, it has the same effect on the creative centers in my brain.

People ask me all the time how I can listen to music with lyrics (often loud enough so others can hear it even though my earbuds are stuffed inside my ears).  And I just shrug.  The lyrics don’t bother me.  Actually, more often than not I don’t even hear them when the words are flowing from my fingertips.  That’s not to say I don’t study lyrics, because I do.  Music is the modern day version of poetry so I like to pay attention to what I’m listening to.  But once that switch flips inside my brain and I start writing I block everything out.

Actually, I think the act of blocking out the lyrics helps me block out everything else as well. Although the mood and emotion of the song filters through even if the specifics don’t.  I have different playlists for different scenes, characters, stories and moods. Some songs are universally on all, but some aren’t.

Anyway, I’m always looking for new artists or songs to add to my playlists.  So with that in mind, I thought I’d start a new weekly feature – Music Mondays.  Each Monday I’ll share a song that’s on my current playlist.  Occasionally a video.  Sometimes I’ll probably share what project or scene it’s attached to, but sometimes not.  It just depends. 🙂

Today, I’m sharing Demons by Imagine Dragons.  I love everything this group does, but this is the first song of theirs I bought.  It’s been on several of my playlists lately and I even mention the group in the paranormal YA I’ve been working on.  I hope you enjoy it!

And please, feel free to share.  I’m always looking for new artists.

Hugs & Kisses,

Welcome to my new site!

I’m so excited about the new look for my website! I’ve been wanting to change things up for awhile, but like most things in my life, I just couldn’t seem to find the time to get my ducks in a row.

Well, it’s finally here.  And I have to give a huge THANK YOU to Kim and Shawntelle from Hot Damn Designs.  They did a fabulous job getting my new site together.  They’re amazing to work with and I can’t recommend them enough.

Be sure to stop back by over the next few weeks because I’m going to be updating a few more things.  Check back next Monday for a new weekly feature that I”m really excited about – Music Mondays.  Not to mention, I should have some exciting news coming really soon – new releases, new covers, contests, a street team…lots of fun!

Hugs & Kisses,